Thursday, May 28, 2009

Ok ladies, i wam the first one to post on THE BOOK online. YAY me!!!
So basically this is our book from last year, that has just gone the way of cyber space, and gone green to save on postage and trees (your welcome butter and CB)

So as you all know we are heading off in different directions next year (well except for me and amy lol)

Congratulations Sarah on going to Champlain
Congratulations Maggie On going to St. Joe's
COngratulations Ames on Orono
And COngrats Shea on YOU SENIOR YEAR!!!!!!

So any who lets make this a real journal entry, so you guys know what i've been doing.

Basically my life the past few weeks as revolved around lacrosse, and rebeling against my parents. Well im stil doing lax but im done rebelling because well it takes too much energy and it gets you NO WHERE!!!!!

Prom was a blast, you guys all looked soo pretty, no scratch that you all looked AMAZING!!!! times a bijillion.Ames ur butt looked amazing with ur dress (and no i do not want to be your lezzie lover), Sarah, you look stunning in the hott pink, Shea, too cute inthe strapless bubbley dress, and Mags, adorable in your chic black evening gown. lol

I also had a bunch of fun with me newer friends, (cuz you guys are the oldies, but you are still the clique so i love u tons and bunches) Sam P, Sam C, Cazz, and tha boyzzz (yeah even that oldd boy corey, gotta love him to eh?)

I can't wait for graduation but i will be soo sad that i will never see some of the peeps again, and some of them i never want to see again, lol. K peace out

Oh and one rule for the positing of evtries, you have to put it in your color, in case you forgot, here it is:

